My Biography

I am Annette Shaffer of Annie’s Wool Works and have been rug hooking since 1995. My first project was a primitive feather tree Christmas stocking kit and I used antique buttons in place of the hooked ornament balls. My next project, with my first teacher, was an original design in which I used yarn for the lettering and mounted it in a twig frame, much to the chagrin of my teacher. So I guess I have always been hooking at least a bit “out of the box”.
My niche in the rug hooking world is what I call dimensional hooking. By that I mean designing and prepping rug hooking projects so that after hooking they can be manipulated or constructed into a shaped, cut-out, 3-D or free-standing piece. Many of my pieces are mixed media, incorporating yarns, non-traditional hooking fabrics, twigs and other natural elements, wire, old bed springs and additional fiber techniques such as beading, sewing and embroidery and felting. I have also begun incorporating free form quilling and shirring into my work both as standalone pieces and in conjunction with hooking.
Enjoy my website, peruse my Gallery Photos. I hope you find something that sparks your imagination and tweaks your creativity. I would enjoy working with you on your own unique piece or an interpretation of one of mine at a workshop or rug camp. If you would like more information, please use my Contact Page and you will hear back from me shortly.